Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Hearty and Noble Welcome

Most Noble Peers of the Realm, Gentlemen and Ladies, Reverend Clergy, and all those fortunate enough to happen upon this journal


I have found myself deficient in my duties as a Grand Traveller. I arrived in the United Kingdom nearly a month ago and have not made one post! My dearest apologies, most loyal friends. Please allow me, in the best way I can, to update you on my numerous adventures in this Sceptred Isle as the days pass.

Firstly, due to a lack of a tutor, I switched a tutorial and thus am studying the following:

The British Aristocracy

Music in the Grand Manner: Purcell to Handel

Tudor and Stuart Society and Politics

Some topics I have done some research on include (titles to my papers):

The 'Robinocracy' of Sir Robert Walpole

The Jacobites: Threat or No?

The Rule of Property in Walpolean England

The American Revolution: Lord North and the War That Should Never Had Been (in progress)
The Life of Henry Purcell

The Courtly Odes of Henry Purcell

The Politics of Dido and Aeneas (in progress)

My seminar paper will be relating to: Two Characters of the Marian Restoration: Reginald Cardinal Pole and Bishop Edmund "Bloody" Bonner (with a few sundry notes on Bishop Gardiner and Her Gracious Majesty Queen Mary I). I may be having a historian's crush on Cardinal Pole, a most intriguing figure worthy of a fine research piece. I had the privilege just today of viewing a letter written in his own hand in the Bodelian (of course no touching.) For those of you who do not know, Bishop Bonner was Bishop of London during the Marian Restoration and is the Villain of Foxe's Book of the Martyrs. I am working to revamp his image a little.

Religion: I attend the Daily Office everyday at Blackfriars, the Dominican House of Studies at Oxford. I take Mass at the Oratory at St. Aloyisius at 10AM on weekdays and 8AM on Sundays (according to the Old Rite). I am truly being spoiled in terms of liturgy, I have never seen so many fiddlebacks and biretta...ever! I will be having the honour of serving the altar starting next week.


Rebel Dawn said...

I haven't heard this much fluff since the last time i saw you at Catholic. Keep bloggin man


Farmer88 said...

I almost burst out laughing when I first saw this. I'm sorry, I just find the whole thing very clever and witty. Keep going strong.